Gideon Kibet, a popular cartoonist known as Kibet Bull and a vocal government critic, has vowed to reduce his online activity after a harrowing abduction experience. Allegedly kidnapped on December 24 due to his outspoken social media views, Kibet was released on January 1 alongside five others.
Speaking in a TV interview shortly after his release, Kibet expressed concerns about his safety and that of his family, saying, “I have to minimize activity on social media.” He declined to share details about his 12-day ordeal or where he was held.
In a social media post, Kibet revealed he was dropped off in Luanda, Vihiga County, at dawn and was uncertain about where to go or stay.
The abductions triggered widespread outrage, with activists planning protests and rights groups condemning the incidents as attacks on free speech. Families of the abductees, including Billy Mwangi, Peter Muteti, Bernard Kavuli, and Rony Kiplangat, confirmed contact with their loved ones.
Authorities said some abductees were found in different locations: Kiplangat in Machakos, Kavuli in Kitale, and Muteti in Nairobi CBD, with the latter reportedly disoriented but recovering at home.
Inspector General of Police Douglas Kanja is set to appear in court on January 8 to explain the individuals’ disappearances, while the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mulele Ingonga, has requested an update on investigations by January 1, 2025.