Two abducted individuals, Billy Mwangi and Peter Muteti, were released on Monday, January 6. Billy, missing for 15 days, walked home to Embu after being abandoned in Nyeri. His family linked the abduction to his criticism of the government. Muteti, abducted in Nairobi on December 21 over social media posts, also returned home.
Human rights activists, organizing protests against abductions and forced disappearances, noted the releases seemed intended to undermine their plans. Despite this, they urged citizens to protest against the growing trend.
Since June 2024, at least 82 abductions have been reported, including 13 cases in the last three months, with seven in December alone. Seven individuals remain missing.
The Director of Public Prosecutions, Mulele Ingonga, directed investigations into the matter, emphasizing the state’s duty to protect rights under the Constitution. Inspector General Douglas Kanja and the Independent Policing Oversight Authority were given three days to submit findings on cases, including those of cartoonist Gideon Kibet and others.