Detectives are investigating the disappearance of two men along the Narok-Mai Mahiu highway, an incident that has sparked alarm in Bomet and Narok counties, as well as within the cyber-criminal underworld.
The two men, aged 34 and 28, were last seen on December 5 while traveling with a woman from Nairobi to Bomet. Their Toyota Prado was intercepted in the Mutarakwa area, with masked individuals shooting its tyres before abducting the occupants into another vehicle, police reported.
Investigations reveal that the Prado was previously impounded in October 2022 while transporting sandalwood worth KSh 2 million along the Nakuru-Nyahururu highway.
Chepalungu subcounty police boss Panton Analo confirmed ongoing efforts to trace the men, working closely with their relatives. Speculation abounds regarding the circumstances of their disappearance, with suggestions ranging from retaliation by cybercrime victims, disputes with associates over ill-gotten gains, or even a self-orchestrated scheme to evade repercussions.
One of the missing men was previously arrested in February 2024 on robbery with violence charges, with the case ongoing in Kericho Law Courts.
The men are believed to be part of a sophisticated cyber-scam syndicate involved in SIM swapping, credit card fraud, and phishing. Police warn that such schemes exploit weaknesses in mobile networks, enabling criminals to siphon funds from victims’ bank and mobile money accounts.
Authorities and cybersecurity experts urge the public to safeguard their financial assets by adopting measures such as two-factor authentication, strong passwords, and secure online payment methods.
Kenyans are advised to avoid sharing sensitive credit card details, clicking on suspicious links, and using unverified websites. Prepaid cards for online transactions and prompt reporting of lost cards are also recommended as preventive steps.
Police continue to investigate the case while addressing the broader rise in cybercrime activities across the country.