A joint operation by Haitian police and the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS), led by Kenya, resulted in the deaths of at least 20 gang members in Torcel, near Port-au-Prince. The mission aimed to dismantle the notorious “Kraze baryè” gang, recovering various weapons and electronic equipment, including firearms, communication radios, and a drone. The crackdown faced resistance, but authorities pushed back the gangs, vowing to secure more regions and ensure schools can reopen.
During his visit to Kenya, Haiti’s Prime Minister Garry Conille praised the Kenyan police for their role in the mission. He and President Ruto called for increased global support for the MSS, emphasizing the need for international contributions to sustain the mission. The UN recently extended MSS’s mandate by another year, though plans for a peacekeeping mission were halted due to opposition from Russia and China.